Community Futures Lethbridge Region is an independent not-for-profit corporation led by a volunteer Board of Directors. The local Board of Directors has final authority for all decisions.
To safeguard, all efforts are made to ensure our clients are served in a fair and professional manner, the Board of Directors will ensure the corporation provides clients with access to an appeal process.
In addition, where a client requests an independent review of the Board’s original and subsequent appeal process, the Board of Directors will ensure the corporation provides the client with timely access to a process of external appeal provided in Alberta through the Southern Alberta Community Futures Region’s Appeal/Redress Committee.
The role of the Community Futures Lethbridge Region’s Appeal/Redress Committee is to provide an external and independent review of the level of service, quality of service and the decision made by Community Futures Lethbridge Region in its decision making and internal review processes. The Board of Community Futures Lethbridge Region maintains all final authority for all decisions.
For further information, please refer to the following documents: